Evaporative cooling has several advantages

The most environmentally friendly and environmentally sustainable cooling and ventilation systems available

There are numerous advantages to using evaporative cooling. For production facilities, distribution centers, and office buildings, two-stage evaporative technology, in particular, provides the most sustainable and environmentally friendly cooling and ventilation available.

You can learn more about the advantages of evaporative cooling in the sections below.

Indoor air quality is at its best

When a work environment is frequently ventilated and provided with plenty of fresh outside air, it is considered to be a healthy work environment, with low absenteeism and frequently higher productivity.

Evaporative air cooler is a best method of cooling a building or a room that uses 100 percent fresh, filtered outside air. This has a significant impact on indoor air quality, especially when compared to mechanical cooling, which frequently recalculates the warm, polluted indoor air.

Optimal relative humidity in the air

The patented two-stage evaporative technology maintains a relative humidity level ranging between 40 and 70% throughout the building. This humidity level aids in the prevention of virus transmission and provides the necessary comfort for the throat, nose, and eyes during cold and flu season.

Climate control that is low on energy consumption

The two-stage evaporative cooling system developed by portacool is extremely energy efficient. The intercooler system uses only ten percent of the energy required by mechanical cooling to effectively cool a room or building compared to traditional methods. It is estimated that the natural process of water evaporation provides 95 percent of the total cooling capacity. The low resistance of the components, in conjunction with direct current fans that are extremely energy-efficient, results in high efficiency and low energy consumption. To maintain the adiabatic process, a motor-driven fan is used, which consumes 1 kWh of electricity but produces up to 40 kWh of cooling power. Mechanical cooling systems, on the other hand, produce only 3 kWh of cooling power for every 1 kWh of electricity consumed.

With increasing temperatures comes the increased efficiency of the two-stage evaporative cooling system. Warmer temperatures allow for more moisture to be present in the air, allowing the system to evaporate a greater amount of water. Furthermore, the more water that is evaporated, the more cooling power the system can provide without increasing its energy consumption, as previously stated.

Having a pleasant working environment

An overheated workplace will result in dissatisfied employees who will find it difficult to concentrate and be productive. According to a study “The Impact of Ventilation on Productivity,” productivity decreases by approximately 2% for every degree Celsius above 22 degrees Celsius. Intercool, a two-stage evaporative cooling system developed by portacool, can cool the air down to up to 20 degrees Celsius below the outside temperature, providing a comfortable and productive environment in a room, hall, or building, depending on the application.

Environment-friendly practices

In the world of cooling, evaporative cooling is the most environmentally friendly method of cooling available. Water is used as the refrigerant in evaporative cooling, which provides a significant advantage over other cooling methods. As a result, no harmful refrigerants that could deplete the ozone layer are employed.

As a result of the minimal electricity consumption of two-stage evaporative cooling, the system has a very low carbon footprint.

Deduction for Energy-related Investment

Evaporative cooling systems are eligible for the Energy Investment Deduction (EIA) in the Netherlands because they are a proven, environmentally friendly cooling technique. This can result in a net benefit of 11% on the total investment. Additionally, in other countries, local subsidies for sustainable techniques, such as adiabatic cooling, are frequently available.

Comparing an evaporative cooler and an air conditioner

In comparison to a traditional air conditioner, an evaporative cooler consumes significantly less energy. Energy efficiency rating (EER) can reach 40, whereas the EER of a conventional air conditioner is a factor of 10 lower. Furthermore, when ventilation is added to an air conditioner, its performance drops dramatically from 25 degrees Celsius onward; as a result, the coefficient of performance (COP) is reduced significantly. Consequently, to maintain the desired temperature, significant energy consumption is required. As previously stated, an evaporative cooler will only increase its cooling capacity when temperatures rise, and will not increase its energy consumption in the process.
